Shore Legacy Society
The Legacy Society comprises our dearest friends and supporters. The members of this group are very special to Shore Community Services as they have decided to include us in their estate plans. This gift is the highest form of generosity that helps to ensure that individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities will continue to receive the resources, therapies, training and supports to reach their highest level of independence.
Become a member by:
- Informing us that you have already included Shore in your estate plans. This way we can properly thank you and show our appreciation.
- Naming Shore in your will or trust with a bequest by using the language included below.
- Naming Shore as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy.
- Naming Shore as a beneficiary on your 401k or other qualified retirement plans (includes important tax advantages.)
- Making a gift to Shore from your IRA.
- Donating real estate.
- Donating appreciated stock.
Who to contact
If you would like to know more or wish to inform us of your plans, please contact Mary Matz, CFRE, in confidence at or call her at 847.982-2030 ext 221.

The following are examples of language that you can use in the body of your will/trust.
Unrestricted Gift:
I give, devise and bequeath to Shore Community Services, Inc., an Illinois corporation, located in Skokie, IL, the sum of $_____ (or real or personal property herein described), to be used for benefit of Shore Community Services, Inc. as its Board of Directors may determine.
Endowment Fund:
I give, devise, bequeath to Shore Community Services, Inc., an Illinois corporation, located in Skokie, IL, the sum of $______ to become part of its Endowment. The principal of this gift shall be commingled with and subject to the same investment policies, from time to time, as other permanent endowment funds. The income may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors for any purpose of Shore Community Services, Inc.
Memorial Fund:
I give, devise and bequeath to Shore Community Services, Inc., an Illinois corporation, located in Skokie, IL, the sum of $_____ (or real or personal property herein described) to be known as the _____ Memorial Fund. The Board of Directors of Shore Community Services, Inc., at its discretion, shall determine the use of the income for any purpose. The said Board of Directors may authorize the expenditure of all or any part of the principal of the Fund for some project or special purpose or in connection with the erection of a building or the acquisition of a facility, provided that an appropriate memorial, evidenced by a plaque or marker, is established in the name of _______.
A Specific Purpose:
I give, devise, bequeath to Shore Community Services, Inc., an Illinois corporation, located in Skokie, IL, the sum of $________ for the purpose of (be specific) or if such use, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, is or shall become impractical or unwise, then for such purpose as the Board shall determine, or…the sum of $_____ to endow or help endow a staff position at Shore Community Services. Inc. The income therefrom shall be used to pay the salary of such professional in said department/program. If at any time the income is not needed for such purpose, then such income may be used for other appropriate purpose or purposes of Shore Community Services, Inc. as it’s Board of Directors may determine.
The information presented on this page is not offered as legal or tax advice. Please seek the advice of your tax advisor, attorney and/or financial planner to make certain that any gift you are considering fits well into your specific circumstances.